Choosing a Practitioner

Choosing your Kambô practitioner is an important step in your treatment. It’s best if you can find someone you can trust, who has experience with your particular needs, and good relationships with their teachers and lineage. Our suggestion is to ask lots of questions and don’t rush to work with someone before you know if they are the right person for you.

The following is an article from written by Davina MacKail for the IAKP about choosing your Kambô practitioner:

You’ve heard about this amazing frog secretion and all the benefits working with it can bring and now you want to discover it for yourself. A google search reveals over 1.5 million results for Kambo - an overwhelming amount of information. So how do you choose the right person? Here’s our checklist to help you.

- Ask them where and with whom they have trained. Different tribes and teachers’ work differently with Kambo. It’s good to ask them exactly how they work and what will happen during a session. Perhaps they have a website where you can read this information in advance.

- Ask how long they have been working with Kambo and how many people they have treated. This is definitely a treatment where experience or comprehensive training is beneficial to ensuring a good first experience.

- If you are seeking Kambo to work with a particular health condition ask if the practitioner has experience in treating that issue and it is within their area of competence.

- Safety – the Kambo experience can be intense. From investigating your proposed practitioner do you get a sense that you will be held in a safe space? Do they know how much water you should drink? Will they know how to handle it if you faint i.e. do they know how to put you into the recovery position. Do they know how much secretion is appropriate for you for a first time? Will they do a test point?

- Have you been provided with a full account of how to prepare for your session including information on fasting?

- Did the person ask your reason for wanting to experience Kambo? Will you be given the opportunity to discuss any private issues in advance of the ceremony?

- Kambo is not for everyone. Did they check your medical history when you booked and have they checked to see if you have any contraindications? (For a list of contraindications see

- Venue – ask about the facilities; number of bathrooms and are they close? – And what you need to bring with you. Some practitioners provide mattresses, blankets, buckets and water and some ask you to bring your own so make sure you know what to bring.

- What is the maximum number of people for the circle and how many assistants will be present? Ask if the assistants are trained in assisting specifically in Kambo circles. You can also ask if they provide private treatments if you feel more comfortable with that.

- Location – how far from home will you have to travel? Is there space for you to rest after the session if necessary?

- Ask about the style of the ceremony – some practitioners practice a shamanic ceremonial style and with others it will be more akin to visiting a treatment centre or clinic. Choose someone who’s style makes you feel comfortable.

Following this checklist will give you the best chance of experiencing a life-enhancing first experience with this wonderful secretion from the upper Amazon. IAKP have adapted the practice to a Western culture and if you choose a practitioner that is registered on the IAKP website then you can guarantee you will be in the hands of someone who has undertaken an intense and comprehensive training and has committed to abiding by a code of practice to ensure clients safety and wellbeing. For more information and a list of registered practitioners go to