Into the Crucible - Men’s Healing Work
What is it?
These challenging times are asking each of us to transform and heal ourselves like never before. Only through transformation can we meet this world with the open hearts and healthy skills needed to navigate it with grace. In shamanic practice, fire is a powerful element to catalyze this kind of change. The crucible is a vehicle for exposing ourselves to the fire, burning away our impurities, and transforming ourselves. Into the Crucible will support this process through work with various medicines and practices that have been shown to bring positive change and healing into people’s lives.
Contact us for information about how to get involved in men’s work
How do we do it?
We meet in a circle of men. This is a form of affinity group. It gives the opportunity to be in a safe space with people that share a common trait - in this case, masculinity. It does not require any particular manifestation of masculinity. All are welcome as long as they identify as male and feel safe with and can provide a safe place for other men.
We will explore the nature and shape of our mission in the world, the things that stand in the way of this mission - shame, fear, addiction, unprocessed grief, to name a few - and how we can learn to love ourselves and the people in our lives more fully.