
At Crucible of the Heart we take safety very seriously. If you have any of these conditions or circumstances, please let us know so we can assess the best way to serve your health and safety.

Crucible of the Heart will not serve Kambô to:

  • Anyone under 18 years of age

  • Animals

  • Anyone we feel is unfit to receive Kambô

  • Anyone who has any of the contraindications on the list below

Please let your practitioner know if you:

  • Are taking immune suppressant medication related to autoimmune disorders

  • Are taking weight-loss, serotonin or sleeping supplements

  • Are engaged in long term fasting and water fasting - these must be avoided for one week before and after taking Kambô - this does not include the fasting required for the treatment

  • Colonics, enemas, liver flushes must be avoided for 3 days before and after taking Kambo

Contraindications for receiving Kambô

  • Including bypass surgery, valve replacement, pacemaker, etc. These problems can weaken the cardiovascular system, which can be further stressed by Kambô.

  • Strokes are caused by blood clots and other obstructions in the blood vessels. Kambô causes vasoconstriction and vasodilation which can cause these kind of obstructions to loosen and enter the bloodstream, leading to further strokes and complications.

  • If you are currently taking medications for low blood pressure, Kambô may pose a risk due to its impact on the cardiovascular system.

  • Kambô exercises the cardiovascular system - particularly the blood vessels. If you have weakened blood vessels that have led to brain hemorrhage, Kambô poses a risk.

  • Item description
  • The process of applying Kambô involves opening holes in the outer layer of skin. For those undergoing Chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the suppression of the immune system from these treatments leaves you vulnerable to infection. Wait until you are done with these treatments; at that point Kambô may be able to help support regeneration of the immune system.

  • For the same reasons as chemotherapy and radiotherapy it is better to wait until after your medication has finished its course before receiving Kambô.

  • A Kambô treatment can interfere with pregnancy due to the contractions of the entire abdominal area during the session. In indigenous it is forbidden to treat pregnant people with Kambô and we agree with this practice.

  • Kambô can cause a mother’s milk to dry up. As such, we will not serve Kambô to people who are actively nursing.

  • Addison’s Disease can lead to weakening of the walls of blood vessels and other connective tissues. Kambô stresses these tissues - its one of the benefits of the treatment - and is dangerous to those for whom these tissues are compromised.

  • Kambô has been known to induce seizures among those who suffer from epilepsy.

  • Major surgeries can leave the immune system compromised and also leave the body in a vulnerable state. Kambô can be a rigorous process and can interfere with the healing process of major surgery. When you have recovered from your surgery, Kambô can be an excellent treatment to help support and rebuild compromised systems as they come back on line.

  • Some of the active peptides in Kambô can interface with the dopamine system and in certain cases can exacerbate addictive tendencies. Once you have control of your addiction and have been clean for a couple of months, Kambô can support rebalancing the dopamine system and regulate pathways of addiction.

  • For those with severe mental illness, the rainforest medicines do not have a history of successful treatment. Please consult your health care professional and consider what treatments have a high likelihood of success for your particular circumstances.

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome weakens your connective tissues, which Kambô can stress during treatment. The effect of combining Kambô with this condition is extremely unpleasant and can be dangerous if it leads to rupture or damage to connective tissues.