Pricing for our services
We try to operate our business guided by the principles of anti-oppression. This includes anti-capitalism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-ageism, anti-adultism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, and anti-every other kind of oppression we find. Please use this guide and apply it to the pricing listed below, and if you cannot make any of the pricing work but feel called to receive any of our offerings, please reach out and let’s talk about how we might get creative and get you the healing you need. We can’t guarantee that we can accommodate everyone but we will try.
Pay on the low income end of the scale if you:
receive public assistance
are supporting multiple dependants
have difficulty maintaining any savings
have significant debt that makes it difficult to meet basic needs
have chronic illness or disability that interferes with your ability to earn income
have immigration-related expenses
have difficulty accessing healthcare
experience discrimination in hiring or pay level
are descended from enslaved and/or indigenous American peoples
Pay on the high income end of the scale if you:
travel frequently
pay other practitioners full price for their services
have regularly increasing savings and investments
own one or more properties
have high earning power whether you currently exercise it or not
This scale is intended to invite introspection about your resource levels, privilege, etc. We are inviting you to take these factors into account, but not to feel stress, guilt, or shame. Please pay what you are comfortable with. We will not ask questions or assess your situation in any way.
Kambô Treatments
Basic, Meridian, Chakra, or Ear Treatment
middle income
low income
high income
Add energy healing session to the treatment
see our page on Energy Work for more info
Intensive Healing Session
These prices include a one-hour meeting one week before your your session, the full-day session itself, and a one-hour meeting 2-4 days after your session.
middle income
low income
high income
One-hour Energy Work Session
low income
middle income
high income